Заклик до усіх Пластунів в США! Збираємо фонди на додаткову землю для Пластової Оселі НОВИЙ СОКІЛ

Apr 22, 2020 | КПС, Новацтво, Сеніори, Старші Пластуни, Табори, Юнацтво

Найстарша Пластова оселя в США – НОВИЙ СОКІЛ, відзначає 70-річний ювілей цього року.

КПC звертається до всіх за фінансовою допомогою в купівлі ділянки землі біля Нового Соколу. Це є історична можливість для наших поколінь, щоб залишити щось кращого для майбутнього пластування, для більшого добра Пласту та всіх пластунів в США.

Novyi Sokil Land Purchase Details 
Novyi Sokil has an area of 41.3 acres. The land to be purchased is 39.1 acres. Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization is the legal owner of Novyi Sokil and will be the owner of the new purchase. We expect the purchase to be completed in June. 

In addition to the land, the parcel includes a 1685 sq. ft. building with 4 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and a 2-car garage. It is zoned for residential use, but campground use is permitted. The total cost, including legal and closing costs, and some minor repairs, is $200,000. The current land value is approximately $250,000. 

The seller is a long-time neighbor and Ukrainian American, who wishes to help Plast, but she is elderly and will only agree to a two-year mortgage. Credit unions and banks require a personal guarantee for a mortgage, which is not feasible.

• The attached map shows the proximity of the land to camp buildings. The house will eventually serve as a caretaker home, and the two-car garage will allow for storage of oselia vehicles and equipment.
• The seller has already been contacted by other potential buyers. If we do not purchase this land, the oselia will likely end up with a Lay’s potato chip field approximately 10 ft. from their novatskiy barrack.  

• Over recent years, Novyi Sokil has seen its capacity fully utilized, and has experienced growth in the number of plastuny that it is serving. Novyi Sokil’s OTK has raised over $230,000 in the last two years, for building construction and renovations, completing a $170,000 barrack last year. (https://novyisokil.org/fundraising).

KPS is asking for donations – kureni may donate directly to KPS (info below); individuals can donate directly to the oselia at https://www.gofundme.com/sokil-land
Checks should be made payable to Plast USO and mailed to: 
Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization
700 Cedar Road
Jenkintown, PA. 19046